📄️ GiftForGood
GiftForGood services has since been closed down since Nov 2021
📄️ Hookies (CS3217)
A real-time racing game where you race with your friends to the finishing line! You can collect power ups along the way and hook onto bolts to increase your movement speed.
📄️ buildevents.today
A POC for an event company to allow anyone to build their own events. You can customise anything from the types of host you want to the type of games.
📄️ NUS Buses
A realtime NUS Buses arrival app. Redesigned and redeveloped.
📄️ sgcheckpoint.com
An android app to check the traffic flow @ singapore's checkpoint
📄️ Foodbites
FoodBites aim to reduce food wastage by connecting food stall owners like bakeries, restaurants or even old chang kee to consumers through an mobile application
📄️ sgbusbot
A bot to retrieve bus arrival timings either based on the bus code or your current location
📄️ SG MRT Bot
A telegram bot to retrieve MRT arrival timings based on mrt stations