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One post tagged with "mini-apps"

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· 6 min read
Marcus Koh


You are tasked to setup multiple repositories for a React Native project. Each repository essential serve as a business function, eg: User Login, User Address, Checkout, etc... Each business team should be able to work in an isolated manner and not be affected by another team.


Based on the given requirements, it essentially describes a mutli-repo approach to building react-native applications. This multi-repo approach is not uncommon in the industry and is frequently used to split business functions into individual teams. However, when you try to google multi-repo react-native there are barely any results that is suitable. Most of the industry today have shifted to using mono-repo because of its convient and easy to develop style.

There are many tools that are designed for mono-repo that can also be used for multi-repo because they are essentially about the same. Just how you place the folders and the node_modules.